Since I returned to Belgrade, I've been looking for a job and feeling generally miserable. No cash, no energy (nemam ni 2 evra ni energije) stage had overpowered me and I spent around 4-5 months just slouching around my room and occasionaly going for a job interview... Man, that period sucked. If it wasn't for my twice-a-week CS matches, I'd have probaby gone absolutely mad or something of the sort. Another bright point was this certain person who was in a similar state to mine, so we could relieve each other's tensions... Unfortunately, she took of to Turkey to make candles.
However, just before that, I finally found a job! I started working as an Account Assistant in IDEA Plus Communications, an advertising agency here in Belgrade. Needless to say, my psychological state improved vastly as a consequence of that. I started actually spending time around people, and earning money. The downside of going to work is that now I don't have the time to go out as much as I could before when I had no money to go out with, but there you go... Overall, I am really satisfied. The people at work are great, the atmosphere is excellent, and smoking is allowed. I am still in the test-stage - the first 3 months are something like a probation, after which we'll see if I will become a full-fledged member of the staff. Sure hope so.
Over the course of the next 2 months or so, I will finally relocate to an apartment of my own, away from my parents. This is the last thing that I have to do before I can say that a certain stage of my life is over, and I cannot express in words how much I am looking forward to that...
As far as Dialetti 17 crew is concerned, John is in Thessaloniki having mad fun ;) studying away and generally living a student's life... good for you mate, enjoy it while it lasts! Dejan is on Crete, working and generally living a "summer is great" life with his g/f.... Nice, innit? I'll sure as hell try to get to Crete when I get the chance later this summer... perhaps in August...