Check this: we haven't paid our phone bill, and the phone company decides to cut us off. Ok, fine. But they did something weird - since we have ISDN, they cut only our digital line, so we cannot dial from the PC, while the normal phone lines work. No biggy, you might say, go pay the bill and everything is OK. Riiight. We had no idea that they cut us off, since the phones worked fine. I thought that there was something with the settings of our provider, so I call their tech support - they say everything is fine here, you have a problem with your computer. No shit Sherlock. I spent a grand total of a few hours holding for various tech supports, and they were all utterly confused by my situation. I even had people from the phone company come and replace the ISDN network terminator, still with no results.... When John went to pay the bill, he explained that we cannot "call internet", but that our phones work, this is what happened:
"No, your phone is cut off, so it can't be working"
"No, your phone is cut off, so it can't be working"
"Ok, it doesn't work."
We are very curious about our next phone bill - will they charge us for the calls we made while are phone was "not working" :)))

"No, your phone is cut off, so it can't be working"
"No, your phone is cut off, so it can't be working"
"Ok, it doesn't work."
We are very curious about our next phone bill - will they charge us for the calls we made while are phone was "not working" :)))