Anyways, now I'm in Afirma FCB, and in a month's time I'll know if I will be staying here. The agency is OK, the people here are nice and I can say that I enjoy my time here. Still.
As for D17, finally got in touch with Dejan, he wrote that he is in Thessaloniki now, 9-5ing somewhere behind a desk... I'll give him a call later on. John has taken to disappearing now. How strange. Can't reach him by phone (perhaps he is in Turkey), but I don't see him on MSN either, and he isn't answering my e-mail...... Who knows. Maybe he joined the foreign legion. Riiiight.
I planned to buy a motorcycle these days, had a great offer, even found where I could borrow the cash for the down payment.... I was sooo happy. Suffice it to say that the bitch spoiled my plan. Man. I need to move out.