Friday, April 20


Ok, picture this: last Tuesday (some 10 days ago) I had left my bike at the customs office to be inspected and whatnot... The guy had told me it will be ready next week. I decided not to bug them on Monday, and come Tuesday I was on the phone.
They told me that it would probably be ready tomorrow or the day after. Oh well, I got sorta used to waiting by then, so I didn't get too upset... Some 45 minutes later, the fella calls me back to say that I can pick my bike up tomorrow at 11 o'clock, or, if I could make it, that day (Tuesday) by 1530hrs. Needless to say, I made it by said time. Payed all the dues and then some, went on to my mate's to do the registration and associated paperwork, and by 1930hrs that day, I was on the road, license plates and all.

All that evening I was... euphoric, for the lack of a better word. Words really can't describe what combination of feelings came over me. Sort of like a child that got that long anticipated toy.

All that happiness aside, now I'm in the process of sorting the bike out, looking for what needs to be done and planning the expenses associated with it.

Oh, almost forgot... John, if you're reading this, Aussie Mark said hi....